Using Natural Wood To Create a Bedroom That’s Truly Your Own

Using Natural Wood To Create a Bedroom That’s Truly Your Own

Perfecting the interior design of your bedroom takes time. You want to create a space that reflects your sense of an oasis. A major aspect of bedroom design is choosing furniture pieces that enhance your space. Natural wood offers a timeless look that adds warmth and character to any space. Get tips for using natural wood to create a cozy bedroom to make upgrading your space a personal and pleasurable experience.

What Is Natural Wood?

Natural wood is wood in its purest form, without undergoing any chemical or synthetic treatment. Trees are cut and sliced into boards, which are then carefully dried over time to reduce cracking and produce strong, straight pieces that are not prone to warping or twisting. Unlike synthetic wood, which includes processed and bonded wood particles, natural wood retains its original grain pattern and character.

Many homeowners prefer to work with natural wood because it comes in a wide range of species, and each has its own unique range of tones and colors. Additionally, natural wood has beautiful grain structure, which adds to its uniqueness. The way a board is cut from a tree can significantly affect its grain structure, such as that of quartersawn oak or maple.

Softwood vs. Hardwood

As you shop for natural wood, you’ll encounter two main categories: softwood and hardwood. Softwood, such as pine, spruce, and cedar, comes from coniferous trees and is generally more affordable but much less durable than hardwood.

Alternatively, hardwood comes from deciduous trees like oak, maple, and cherry. Hardwoods are heavier due to their much denser grain structure, which makes them strong and durable. Hardwoods come in a greater range of colors, tones, grain patterns and hardnesses, and are less prone to scratches, dents and warping compared to softwoods. Many homeowners also prefer pieces made with hardwood because the piece can last for generations with proper care.

4 Tips for Using Natural Wood in Your Bedroom

Your bedroom is your oasis, and it should be an area of the home dedicated to relaxation. Bedroom furniture that is custom-designed for you using specific hardwoods you love can make your space feel truly your own.

Incorporating natural materials such as wood into your bedroom design adds warmth and sophistication. Below, we share four tips on using natural wood in your bedroom.

Tip 1: Choose the Right Type of Hardwood

The first step to using natural wood to create a cozy bedroom is to select the right type of hardwood. Some beloved options include:

  • Maple

  • Cherry

  • Black Walnut

  • Oak

  • Mahogany

Understanding the characteristics of different woods enables you to make choices that align with your aesthetic preferences and practical needs.


This type of hardwood has a light warm color and fine grain that gives it a clean and smooth feel. The grain of maple often flows consistently, giving it a uniform appearance and making it an excellent choice for contemporary or minimalistic bedroom designs. Alternatively, some maple pieces have dramatic, shimmering, almost holographic figuring, such as fiddleback, birdseye and quilted varieties. This makes them perfect for eye-catching pieces or as ornamentation.


Cherry wood has a distinctive medium-toned reddish-brown color that darkens with age and exposure to sunlight. Its arcing grain pattern adds warmth and depth to your bedroom space. Cherry is a versatile wood that can complement a wide range of design styles.

Black Walnut

Many individuals love black walnut hardwood because of its dark, warm, chocolatey color and unique multi-toned grain pattern. Its sophisticated aesthetic can add an elegant flair to your bedroom design and is often used in mid-century style pieces.


Oak is a strong, durable hardwood with a prominent grain pattern that adds character to your bedroom. It is usually light or medium brown color with an understated cooler tone, which makes it a common choice for more traditional styles of furniture.


Mahogany is beloved by furniture makers for its buttery texture which makes it a joy to work with, especially with carving. It has a deep warm reddish-gold color, and takes stain beautifully and can be produced in a variety of colors. The grain structure can be mostly straight or have dramatic arching patterns called cathedraling, which give pieces made with this hardwood gorgeous flowing patterns. It’s used in a variety of styles and types of furniture, especially beds and dining tables.

Tip 2: Consider Your Design Preferences

When using natural wood in your bedroom, consider the overall design style you want to achieve. Are you going for a modern and sleek look? Or do you prefer a traditional and cozy aesthetic? Every piece you place inside the room should work in harmony to capture your desired ambience for the space.

Tip 3: Decorate With Other Natural Materials

Consider the other materials and colors you’ll decorate with. If you plan to paint the room taupe brown with monochromatic accent pieces, a dark walnut or rich cherrywood can create a striking contrast. On the other hand, if you want to keep the color scheme light and muted, maple or oak may be better options.

Complement your wood’s organic beauty with other natural materials, such as linen, cotton, plants, or even other hardwoods, to further enhance the sensory experience of a space.

Tip 4: Know the Type of Furniture You’ll Commission

Collaborating with skilled artisans who share a dedication to excellence and an eye for detail can transform your vision into reality. Most homeowners choose to integrate specific hardwood pieces into their bedroom design, such as a

  • Benches

  • Beds

  • Dressers or wardrobes

  • Nightstands

When you meet with the craftsperson, openly discuss your functional needs, stylistic preferences, and the specific type of wood you envision. This collaborative process ensures that the final product meets and exceeds your expectations, resulting in a piece that embodies quality artisanship and timeless design.

Key Benefits of Using Natural Wood

Decorating your bedroom with natural wood brings numerous benefits.

It’s Durable

Hardwoods like oak, mahogany, and teak bring undeniable strength and longevity that many softwoods or synthetic materials can’t emulate. Hardwoods are less prone to scratches and scuffs, both of which are eyesores that take time and money to repair. In the hands of a skilled craftsperson, hardwoods can also produce very solid joinery, which ensures the stability of your pieces for years to come. Every piece of furniture in your bedroom should exemplify beauty and withstand the test of time.

A New Family Heirloom

When cared for properly, hardwood furniture can last for generations. As you pass the heirloom down, it becomes even more unique, valuable and cherished by the family.

It’s Beautiful

Natural wood captivates the senses with its unparalleled beauty—the warmth of its colors, the uniqueness of its grain, and the texture that speaks directly to the touch. No two pieces of natural wood are the same, and the distinctive grains and tones of natural hardwoods add character and personality to a space.

The aesthetic diversity of wood, from the rich, deep tones of walnut to the light, airy hues of birch, offers designers and homeowners alike a palette from which to draw inspiration. This organic elegance transforms spaces into serene and soulful escapes, imbuing them with calm and comfort.

It’s Eco-Friendly

Manufacturing synthetic materials like particleboard and laminate consumes a significant amount of energy and resources and produces weak products that become trash in just a few years. Alternatively, real wood comes from nature, and you can find options sustainably sourced from responsibly managed forests.

Perfecting the interior design of your bedroom takes time. You want to create a space that reflects your sense of an oasis. A major aspect of bedroom design is choosing furniture pieces that enhance your space. Natural wood offers a timeless look tha

Commission Beautiful Wood Furniture

Keefrider Custom Furniture offers showstopping handmade bedroom furniture crafted from sustainably sourced materials. We carefully design our pieces to align with our clients’ unique vision. When we take on a project, we only use hardwoods that we’ve hand-selected from our trusted lumber yards. From here, we meticulously handcraft these woods into timeless, elegant and functional works of art for our clients to treasure for years to come.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation. We’ll start by discussing your ideas for the piece you’d like, and then we’ll begin drafting and creating your showstopping piece.

Sirie Keefrider