5 Maintenance Tips for Solid Wood Furniture

A hand holding a soft white cloth as the individual uses the rag to wipe down a piece of wood furniture.

Solid wood furniture is a timeless investment that brings warmth, character, and elegance to any space. As a natural material, wood has a unique beauty that only improves with age and proper care. We’ve detailed various maintenance tips for solid wood furniture to help you preserve the natural beauty and integrity of your solid wood furniture.

Prevent Surface Damage

Heavy items or sharp objects can leave dents and scratches on solid wood surfaces. If you have a wood dining table, use placemats or trivets during mealtimes to protect the surface from scratches and heat damage. Although you can place a tablecloth over the table, most homeowners are less inclined to do this with solid wood since it hides the surface of the beautiful piece.

Wipe Away Spills Immediately

Accidents happen, but when you own solid wood furniture, prompt action prevents long-term damage. Wipe spills away as soon as you notice them. Liquids can seep into the wood grain, leading to discoloration, swelling, or warping.

Pro Tip

Using coasters under drink glasses can reduce the risk of water rings and stains, keeping your furniture looking its best.

Limit Exposure to Humidity

Solid wood furniture is susceptible to changes in humidity. High moisture levels can cause the wood to expand, while low humidity can lead to shrinking and cracking.

Maintaining a consistent level of humidity in your home can prevent damage to your wood furniture. During humid or dry times of the year, you may need to use a humidifier or dehumidifier to maintain the proper levels.

Limit Exposure to Natural Light

While natural light enhances the beauty of your space, prolonged exposure can be detrimental to solid wood furniture. Ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause wood to fade and lose its rich color. However, some woods, such as cherry, can become darker due to natural light exposure. To mitigate this, remove your furniture from direct sunlight or use window treatments to filter the light.

Never Use Harsh Cleaners

Another maintenance tip for solid wood furniture is avoiding harsh cleaners or chemicals. These products can strip the wood’s natural oils and protective finish, leaving it vulnerable to damage. Instead, clean your piece with a soft, slightly damp cloth to wipe down the table, then immediately dry it with a separate rag.

Understand the Types of Wood

A woman using a green microfiber cloth to wax and clean a beautiful piece of wooden furniture as she cleans it.

There are numerous types of hardwood including maple, oak, cherry, and mahogany. Some woods are more durable and suited for furniture. Knowing the type of wood used in your furniture is important as different types may require slightly different care techniques. Additionally, all reputable furniture makers will apply finish to the completed piece to seal and protect the wood. Once you commission a piece of wood furniture, ask the artisan for their recommended care tips specific to the type of wood and finish of your piece.

Type of Finish Matters

Often, artisans apply a coating of finish to the hardwood pieces they create to enhance the aesthetic and durability of the furniture. At Keefrider Custom Furniture, we often use a hardwax/oil finish that has its own cleaning products. We also use a water-based polyurethane and other finishes depending on what the piece requires. When you commission a piece from us, we’ll recommend any appropriate cleaning products to use based on the finish we apply to the hardwood piece.

Unless stubborn stains are a present, usually the best method to clean hardwood furniture is to use mild soap with water to wipe down the hardwood surface with a gentle soft cloth during cleanings.

Get Pieces Refinished

Over time and without proper care, finish can wear down and you’ll have to refinish it. The method of refinishing will depend highly on the original finish products and techniques that were used.

Dust Regularly

Dust buildup can dull the appearance of your solid wood furniture. Regular dusting keeps your furniture looking clean. For the best results, use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently remove dust, following the direction of the wood grain.

Create a Scheduled Cleaning Routine

Creating a cleaning routine for your solid wood furniture significantly contributes to its longevity and appearance. Below, we’ve provided examples of tasks to include in your cleaning routine:

Weekly Cleaning

Dust the furniture with a soft cloth, following the direction of the wood grain. Wipe down surfaces with a slightly damp cloth and immediately dry them with a separate rag.

Why Maintaining Solid Wood Furniture Matters 

Well-maintained wood furniture embodies the principles of quality craftsmanship and durability. Each piece tells a story, reflecting the skill and dedication of the artisans who created it. Proper maintenance ensures you:

Preserve the Wood’s Beauty

Wood’s unique grain patterns and rich hues make each piece distinctive. However, these characteristics can fade without proper care, giving the furniture a worn and neglected appearance.

Increase the Piece’s Longevity

Wood is a natural material susceptible to humidity and temperature changes. Maintaining a stable and suitable environment prevents warping, cracking, and other structural issues.

Create a Sentimental Connection to the Piece

A beautiful, rectangular wood dining table placed inside of a well -decorated living space with six white chairs around it.

The longer your solid wood furniture lasts, the more memories around it that add to its history. You’ll remember every dinner party, holiday feast, and family gathering around your beautiful furniture.

You Create an Heirloom

Solid wood furniture is a timeless investment that can become a treasured family heirloom. Proper maintenance allows you to pass cherished, handmade wood furniture down to future generations.

Enhance the Furniture’s Value

High-quality hardwood pieces often appreciate in value over time, especially if they are well-maintained. Unlike mass-produced furniture made from synthetic materials, solid wood items remain beautiful for decades, offering immediate and long-term value.

Moreover, proper maintenance prevents damage that can diminish the piece’s worth.

Keefrider Custom Furniture

Solid wood furniture represents more than just functional decor; it embodies craftsmanship, history, and personal style. Keefrider Custom Furniture creates unique pieces designed to last a lifetime. We work closely with all our clients to craft hardwood furniture designed for their home or business. Contact us today to learn more about our custom-made furniture and the care we recommend for each unique piece.

Sirie Keefrider